Conveyor Maintenance: How to keep your conveyor healthy.
As one of the most used pieces of equipment in food processing, keeping your conveyor in good shape should be a priority for anyone in the industry. These machines do a lot of the heavy lifting and see near constant use, so even the sturdiest most reliable conveyors will experience some wear and tear or user error.
Fortunately, we’re going to cover ways to expand your conveyor’s lifespan and make sure it keeps running smoothly for years to come.
1: Choose the Correct Conveyor
Begin by making sure your conveyor is exactly what you need. With so many factors going into this decision, it can be overwhelming getting everything just the way you need it for your line. Fortunately we have an entire blog post on this topic. We also have experts in bakery design who can help you find just what you’re looking for, and give you insight you may have not considered.
2: Maintain the Belt
Critical for safety and continued function, a clean belt will help your machine keep going and going. Options such as easy clean features or scrapers can cut down on maintenance time and keep your conveyor going strong. Additionally, checking your belt for proper alignment, tension, and ensuring the bearings are well fit and lubricated will reduce friction and keep your machine in top shape.
3: Keep Your Motor Healthy
Maintaining your belt will help not overwork your motor and keep it from overheating or burning out. Besides that, make sure any vents are clear, fans are running, and that the motor is cleaned regularly to avoid any buildup or dust, grease, or dough. Make sure you have planned out the exact weight and volume for your product as well to ensure you have a large enough motor for the job.
4: Check for Worn Parts and Take Preemptive Effort.
The worst time for a conveyor to go down is when you don’t see it coming. Avoid unexpected downtime by knowing the condition of your conveyor, which parts are likely to wear faster, and consider keeping them on hand in case you do need to fix it suddenly. Speak with the manufacturer to better understand your conveyor and follow cleaning and maintenance recommendations to keep your conveyor healthy and happy.
By following this advice and working closely with your manufacturer, you can ensure a long life for your conveyors and make sure nothing slows them down when you’re not ready. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to speak to a professional about your conveyor needs.